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100US$Válido por un año- Receive one complementary ticket to a show of your choosing
250US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Listing in all show programs and on the website for 12 mo.
- Invitation for two to a Technical Rehearsal of 1 production
- Admission for two to one production of your choosing*
500US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Two complementary “Bring a Friend” ticket vouchers
- Invitation for 2 to the final technical rehearsal of 1 show
Associate Producer
1000US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Invitation for two to a first read-through rehearsal
- Design presentation of one production
2500US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Signed poster from an upcoming production of your choosing
- Admission for two to every production*
Executive Producer
5000US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Backstage Tour for Four
- Admisison for two to every production+
Resident Company
10.000US$Válido por un año- All of the above plus...
- Admission for two to every production
- Opportunity to have lunch for two with the Artistic Director

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