Become a Selahrian
Our biggest fans and actors, we call Selahrian. Because of Selahrians, our little-theatre-that-could made it through the pandemic without a blemish.
Selahrians have sustained Selah Theatre Project during the last season beyond our wildest imaginations.
Selahrians are essential to the theater’s survival.
Now, more than ever, Selah Theatre Project needs you to officially become a Selahrian.
Help keep theatre alive in our community and support this grassroots artistic movement. Selahrians enjoy reduced admission prices, discounts on workshops, first dibs on tickets, and free admission to many of our special programs. Be a member at the level which is right for you - all of which are tax-deductible.
Support what sustains you, become a Selahrian today!
Reduced Admission
Free Select Events
Family Benefit
Tax Deductibility
All memberships are good for a period of 1 year beginning on their date of purchase. If you are renewing a current membership, your purchase will extend your existing membership 1 year beyond its current expiration date. Note: Members in dual or couple memberships can be married couples, family members, or friends from different households.
Basic Benefits include:
Membership is tax-deductible. Deductibility Information for each membership level is available here.
Reduced Admission to Main Stage Productions
Reduced Admission to Special Programs
Free Admission to select events throughout the year
Access to “Selahrians Only” events
Free access to Backstage Pass for first dibs on tickets
Access to "Selah Groupie" page on our Spaces app
Family Benefit - Reduced tuition (15%) for members’ children aged 18 and under
Discount on theater rental for your events
Basic Selahrian Membership
All membership packages include Basic Benefits.
FRIEND. Good for one person. $10 per month
BIGGEST FAN. Good for one person. $25 per month
STAGEHAND. Good for two people. $50 per month
Perfect for individuals or couples.
Sustaining Selahrian Membership
Provide additional support for the nonprofit Selah Theatre Project with a SUSTAINING level membership.
Maestro. Basic Benefits + 2 free tickets for each Mainstage production. $75 per month
Stargazer. Basic Benefits + 4 free tickets for each Mainstage production. $150 per month
VIP Selahrian Membership
Community Partner. Basic Benefits + 8 free tickets for each Mainstage production + Your Business listed on all Selah Theatre Media. $500 per month
10US$Cada mesVálido por 12 mesesBIGGEST FAN
25US$Cada mesVálido por 12 meses- MOST POPULAR
50US$Cada mesVálido por 12 meses MAESTRO
75US$Cada mesVálido por 12 mesesSTARGAZER
150US$Cada mesVálido por 12 mesesCOMMUNITY PARTNER
500US$Cada mesVálido por 12 meses
Memberships can be cancelled at anytime, however, if you have not cancelled your membership will automatically renew.